Farrell, R. & Maye, K. (2022). Developing a Junior Cycle Short Course on Cyber Security: Phase 1 Report October 2022. University College Dublin.

Cowan, P., Farrell, R., Roulston, S. & Brown, M. (2020). Report on Readiness and Practice (RAP): Sounding out ITE Students’ Readiness to Teach with Digital Technology. SCoTENS.


Molloy, C., & Farrell, R. (2024). Cultivating Positive Classroom Environments: Exploring the Efficacy of Immersive Technologies in Removing Barriers to Learning Among Primary School Students. Computers in the Schools41(2), 164–192.

Qualter, D. (2024). From digital exclusion to digital inclusion: Shaping the role of parental involvement in home-based digital learning – A narrative literature review. Computers in the Schools, 41(2), 120-144. 

Taggart, S., Roulston, S., Brown, M., Donlon, E., Cowan, P., Farrell, R., & Campbell, A. (2023). Virtual and augmented reality and pre-service teachers: Makers from muggles?. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology39(3), 1–16.

Cowan, P. & Farrell, R. (2023).  Using Virtual Reality to Support Retrieval Practice in Blended Learning: An Interdisciplinary Professional Development Collaboration between Novice and Expert Teachers. Digital. 3(3):251-272.

Cowan P &  Farrell, R. (2023). Virtual Reality as the Catalyst for a Novel Partnership Model in Initial Teacher Education: ITE Subject Methods Tutors’ Perspectives on the Island of Ireland. Education Sciences. 2023; 13(3):228.

Farrell, R., & Cowan, P., Brown, M., Roulston, S., Taggart, S., Donlon, E., & Baldwin, M. (2022). Virtual Reality in Initial Teacher Education (VRITE): a reverse mentoring model of professional learning for learning leaders. Irish Educational Studies, 41:1, 245-256,


Farrell, R. (2023). Tell a Tale: Tell a Tale. Introducing Digital Storytelling as an Alternative Means of Expression for Assessment in Initial Teacher Education in Padden, L., Elliott, D., Tongue, J., & Hyland, S. (eds, 416 – 429). Learning from UDL Leaders: UCD University for All Faculty Partner Case Studies. Dublin: UCD Access and Lifelong Learning. Available

Farrell, R., & Marshall, K. (2020). The interplay between technology and teaching and learning: Meeting local needs and global challenges. In Jillian Fox et al. (eds.), 41-52. Teacher Education in Globalised Times: Local Responses in Action. Springer, NZ. /10.1007/978-981-15-4124-7_3

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